Expert & Professional services
24 X 7 customer support
Unmatched quality performance
Modern tools for PPC planning HRMS

Welcome to Sanjivani Group of Companies….
We welcome with pleasure to Sanjivani Group of Companies Rajkot. The Group powered by a young and dynamic team led by the most respected and experienced Professionals in foundry industry boasts the holding of Group Companies, Sandori Castings Pvt Ltd., Helios Syscom Pvt Ltd., Shakti Industries and recently commissioned state of the art Investment Casting Facility Aksunna Technologies Pvt Ltd. With most modern set up.
Being well known globally as Market leader for manufacture and supply of wide range of high performance, critical & safety components for the Valves , Pumps, Automation and General Engineering industry, the group plays an important role in supplying the variety of High Alloy Steel Castings to the International Standards comprising of Stainless Steel, Duplex Steels, Super Duplex Steels, Supper alloy steels, & Carbon Steels Case Hardening Steels in Investment as well as Sand Castings process meeting the world class quality parameters by adopting the DOT and Cost effectiveness. The state of the art Metallurgical Lab and measurement processes with fully equipped in-house CNC / VMC machining capability provides our customers one stop solution to get ready to use components at the shortest lead times.
Our work environment is free from Hazards, Injuries, Accidents and our facilities are built up with excellent Ergonomics.
Sanjivani Group Of Company that works
Quality Assurance
Just In Time Production & Delivery
Your Schedule.Right On Time
Global Certificate
Award Winning
Easy Way to Collaborate Sanjivani Group Of Company
Sanjivani Group Of Company, we commit to provide you with the best casting & deliver just-in-time. Customer’s requirements are given importance as well quality is maintained. Our team is completely trained & well equipped to meet our customers ‘Requirements’.
200 +
Material Produced
10000 +
Developed Parts
900 +
Expert Employed
40 +
$ 32 +
million in annual revenue
> 20 %
Growth rate every year
Sanjivani Group Of Company
- Market Leader in International Market
- Best-in-quality class and world-class operations
- Lean Manufacturing principles
- Zero harm to people work environment
- 5S Workplace Management System
- Code of Conduct Implementation

Our Certificate
Client 6

Client 2

Client 3

Client 4

Client 5